Strategic Goals
The strategic goals of the 3rd World NCD Congress are to:
- Share evidence-based knowledge on different NCDs – including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, lung diseases and mental illness.
- Share evidence-based knowledge on different NCDs – from multiple dimensions – e.g., basic biomedical, clinical, public health, health policy, health economics, behavioral sciences, nutritional, risk factors including metabolic risk factors, epidemiological, lifestyle management, and training.
- Focus on equitable health and well beings of aboriginal, marginalized and refugee populations.
- Share evidence-based knowledge on the interaction between COVID-19 and NCDs, and vice versa, as experienced around the world.
- Discuss the global changes in NCD incidence patterns from the onset of COVID-19 to the current period, with particular emphasis on developing nations.
- Develop public health strategies and policy recommendations on managing NCDs in the post COVID-19 world.