Program Information
The 1-credit-per-hour World Non-Communicable Diseases Congress 2023: Equitable and Sustainable Health for All (ID-199387) has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 22.5 Mainpro+ Credits.
Congress Themes and Tracts:
The congress will address six sub-themes/tracts:
- Reducing inequalities in the prevalence, risk factors and conditions, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or management of NCDs across socio-economic status, cultures, races, geographic regions, genders, sexual identities, abilities and special needs.
- Identifying and responding to the impact of climate change and environmental degradation, human migration and displacement on NCD risk, prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, management rehabilitation, governance or health care system organization.
- Understanding the determinants, or efforts to prevent, detect, diagnose, treat or manage NCDs that may change across the human lifespan.
- Identifying and implementing multi-morbidity, multi-disciplinary and/or cross geographic solutions by working and sharing methods, data, technologies, knowledge, perspectives, practices and policies.
- New research, perspectives, theories, policies, technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Language (AI/ML), Big Data, and telemedicine), or practices which may enhance our ability to better address the etiology/determinants, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and/or management of NCDs.
- Improving governance, health system organization, multi-lateral collaboration and knowledge exchange to reduce the global, regional, national or local impact of NCDs. .
The Congress program will include:
- Half-day and/or full-day pre-Congress symposia and workshops on the two days prior to the Congress (June 25 & 26)
- 3 1/2 days of plenary sessions, sponsored luncheon symposia, concurrent sessions and workshops (June 27 to 30)
- Exhibit Hall and Poster Displays (June 27 to 29)
- Networking Opportunities and Social Events, including a Welcome Reception, Congress Banquet (additional cost) and a Farewell Reception