Click on the links below to go directly to any of the following sections:
Abstract Program Overview
Platform Presentation Information
If you are not part of a joint session, where all abstracts were submitted together with the intent of creating one session, your presentation time will be a total of 15 minutes (approximately 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions/comments and presenter introduction). Depending on the number of presenters in your session, the moderator may allow you more time to present or answer questions, but be prepared to give your presentation within the 10 minute time limit. The length of presentations will be strictly monitored by the Session Chairs.
Organizers of joint sessions will provide the presentation order and length of time for each presentation.
If an author is not available to present, the next author will then present. Authors are asked to be in the session room for the entire session, and to be ready to present at any time.
WNCD 2023 will provide a data projector, screen and computer loaded with Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Reader, Windows Media Player (for playing movies) and Windows. Please note that screens in the session rooms have an aspect ratio of 16:9 so prepare your presentation accordingly.
If you would like to use the WNCD23 – PPT slide template, please go to our the link and download the template.
If you are working with presentation software other than PowerPoint or pdf files, please save your presentation as a Microsoft Windows PowerPoint compatible file, or a pdf file. Computers in meeting rooms WILL NOT support Mac file formats or any presentation software other than Windows PowerPoint or pdf files.
Presenters are not permitted to use their own computer for their presentations. The laptop will be at the technician desk at the back of the room. If you have presenter notes please bring a printed copy of your notes if you will be speaking from them, you will not be able to see them on the laptop.
A moderator has been assigned to each session to introduce speakers. Please arrive at the session room 30 minutes prior to the start of your session to meet the moderator, confirm that your presentation is loaded on the session room computer and familiarize yourself with the slide advancer and audiovisual set-up. The moderator will introduce you to the audience, facilitate any questions, monitor the time and close the session.
Please submit your presentation on a memory stick to the Speaker Ready Room the day prior to your presentation and bring a copy of your presentation with you on a USB drive as a backup. Clearly label the memory stick with the name of the presenting author and a contact number where you can be reached in Toronto. Name your presentation file using this format: “presentation day_presentation time_ author last name_session number”. For example TUESDAY 11:00 Schreil C7
Note: Presenters cannot use their own laptops for their presentation as there will be insufficient time to change laptops between presentations.
Monday, June 26: 1pm to 5pm
Tuesday, June 27: 8am to 4pm
Wednesday, June 28: 8am to 4pm
Thursday, June 29: 8am to 4pm
Friday, June 30: CLOSED
Should you wish to review your presentation prior to your session, please do so in the Speaker Ready Room during opening times.
An audio-visual technician will be in the Speaker Ready Room to receive presentations and assist with presenter needs.
Poster Display Information
Poster Specifications
- Poster must be a maximum of 106 cm high by 106 cm wide (42 x 42 inches)
- Posters must be affixed to the display board by push pins or velcro, both will be supplied
- All posters must be displayed on poster material. Sheets of 8.5 x 11 will not be accepted
- Materials must be readable from a distance of 3 feet or more
- The font used must be a minimum of 22 points and in bold format
- Industry-sponsored posters must clearly be identified as such. Please state on your poster “Sponsored by (Company name/s)”
- Poster boards will not have access to a power outlet
Setting up Your Poster
Poster(s) can be set-up starting at 1pm on Monday, June 26th in the Exhibit and Poster Hall. The Exhibit and Poster Hall will be located in room 105 in the North Building of the MTCC.
When you arrive, please collect your Congress name badge at the WNCD 2023 registration desk (located in room 105) and then set up your poster(s). You will receive your poster number closer to the start of Congress. This number will be pinned on the board where you are to set up your poster. Velcro and pins will be provided by the Congress organizers and will be available at each poster board.
Poster Display Times
Your poster(s) should be put on display from 5:30pm on Monday, June 26 to 5:45pm on Thursday, June 29.
In order to answer questions from Congress participants, it is recommended to be in proximity to your poster during the refreshment breaks.
Poster Removal
We request that your poster(s) remain on display in the Exhibit and Poster Hall until 5:45pm on Thursday, June 29. Posters not removed by 6:15pm on Thursday, June 29 may not be kept.
Abstract submission is open to all. We encourage submissions from students, researchers, academics, clinicians and service providers, policy developers and makers, advocates research funders, health system managers and governors with evidence, knowledge, and perspectives relevant to better understanding the biological, genetic, social, cultural, and economic, developmental aspects of NCDs as well as their prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, management, service utilization and access. The topic of an abstract should contribute to our knowledge base, evidentiary foundation, theory or perspectives for improving our ability to understand, prevent, identify, treat or manage any aspect of NCDs using tools such as research, clinical interventions, technology, policy, healthcare organization, knowledge translation, capacity building, education, and governance.
Congress Themes
To offer options aligned with the overall theme of Congress and to help attendees find presentations, symposia, workshops, and posters of interest, the Congress has been organized into sub themes or tracts. You will be asked to select which theme or themes your abstract is most closely aligned with. The degree to which an abstract aligns with at least one sub-theme will be considered when accepting abstracts and placing them together with other presentations. You have the option of selecting up to three of the following six sub-themes for each abstract.
- Reducing inequalities in the prevalence, risk factors and conditions, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or management of NCDs across socio-economic status, cultures, races, geographic regions, genders, sexual identities, abilities and special needs.
- Identifying and responding to the impact of climate change and environmental degradation, human migration and displacement on NCD risk, prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, management rehabilitation, governance or health care system organization.
- Understanding the determinants, or efforts to prevent, detect, diagnose, treat or manage NCDs that may change across the human lifespan.
- Identifying and implementing multi-morbidity, multi-disciplinary and/or cross geographic solutions by working and sharing methods, data, technologies, knowledge, perspectives, practices and policies.
- New research, perspectives, theories, policies, technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Language (AI/ML), Big Data, and telemedicine) , or practices which may enhance our ability to better address the etiology/determinants, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and/or management of NCDs.
- Improving governance, health system organization, multi-lateral collaboration and knowledge exchange to reduce the global, regional, national or local impact of NCDs.
Presentation Options
A variety of options exist for presenting at the Congress:
Individual and small group options include:
- Presenting a late breaking paper or poster. Submission deadline is March 15, 2023.
Groups of people, organizations, or networks may also consider the following options which require a financial contribution:
- Organizing pre-congress workshop or symposium (12 half day and 6 full day available)
- Organizing a breakfast workshop (75 minutes long; 16 available)
- Sponsoring a lunchtime symposium (6 available)
Platform or Poster: For a regular individual platform presentation at a concurrent paper session or to present a poster the deadline for submission is March 15, 2023. There will be a continuous peer review by the Scientific Program Committee with the goal of having an abstract reviewed within 30 days. The submitting author will be notified of acceptance by email within 30-45 days of submitting their abstract.
Organized group concurrent paper sessions: Groups of four or five presenters may request the opportunity to jointly share a concurrent paper session of 90 minutes. A title for the overall group session which reflects how or why the papers are related must be determined before submission. Each presenter must submit a separate abstract indicating that it is a request to be part of a group session. Each abstract must list the session title and session organizer’s name and identify which of the presenters will serve as a moderator for the session. The moderator’s role is to welcome guests, introduce each speaker, facilitate audience questions and ensure the session starts and ends on time. The Scientific Committee will assign a room, date and time for the joint session. The deadline for submission of abstracts for a group paper session is March 15, 2023. Like individual abstract submission, there will be a continuous peer review by the Scientific Committee with the goal of having an abstract reviewed within 30 days after the last abstract is submitted. The authors will be notified of acceptance by email within 30-45 days of the last submission received. Due to space and other concerns, it is possible that the request for a group session may not be approved. However, in this case, some or all of the individual abstracts may still be approved for inclusion in a session assigned by the Scientific Committee.
Workshop: Organizations wishing to hold a skill-building 75 minute Breakfast Workshop are requested to submit a written proposal to the Scientific Committee via email at info@torontownc2023.org. The deadline for Workshop submissions is March 15, 2023.
The proposal must be no longer than two pages and contain the following information:
Organization Name
Organization purpose or mission
Workshop Topic
Learning Objectives
Symposia: Organizations wishing to hold a pre-Congress Symposium, or a Luncheon Symposium during Congress, are requested to view the WNCD 2023 Sponsor Prospectus. A fee will apply to hold a Symposium.
Abstract Specifics
The length of the abstract will be limited to 500 words not including the abstract title, learning objectives, author names or affiliations. You will be asked to include the following information:
- Background, objectives and/or purpose of your work
- Design, methods, perspectives, or approaches used to undertake the work
- Key results, findings, insights and limitations
- Conclusions/recommendations/or how this work will help NCD origins, causes, prevention, assessment or diagnosis, treatment, management, governance of one or more NCDs in one or more settings or geographic areas.
- Two Learning Objectives
Late Breaking Results
A limited number of posters and individual concurrent presentations will be reserved for persons who submit an abstract describing results or developments which occurred close to or after the normal abstract deadline. It may not be possible to schedule these posters and presentations with those addressing a similar theme or topic. The last day to submit an abstract for a late breaking poster or concurrent session presentation is March 15, 2023. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 15, 2023.
Inclusion in Special Paper Sessions
Special concurrent and poster sessions may be organized to profile the work of students; researchers, practitioners, and others who are within five years of starting their profession or completing their terminal degree or qualification. Special concurrent and poster sessions may also be arranged for persons from various equity and diversity groups, as well as those from low and middle income nations. Presenters have the option of indicating whether they wish to be included in one or more of these special concurrent sessions, should there be sufficient expression of interest.
Language of submission and presentation
With apologies, we are only able to accept abstracts submitted in English. All presentations must be given in English, no translation will be provided.
Special Assistance
Alternatively abled persons with visual, hearing, mobility, speech, or other impairments will be invited to indicate any special support or equipment you require to present your concurrent platform paper or poster (e.g., wheel chair access, a guide, etc.).
Congress Registration and Submission Details
Presenting Author Registration
The presenting author MUST register for WCND 2023 by April 15, 2023 or the abstract will automatically be withdrawn.
Number of Submissions
There is no limit on how many abstracts a person may submit, nor on the number of times that a person’s name may appear as a member of a team on abstracts submitted to the conference.
Number of Presentations
The maximum number of abstract presentations one individual can present (be listed as the presenting author) is 3 (three). This excludes pre conference symposia or workshops, lunchtime symposiums or breakfast workshops. In cases where a person is involved in more than three accepted abstracts, that person may be listed as the presenter only three times.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
To facilitate greater equity, diversity and inclusion at the Congress, presenters will be invited to voluntarily indicate whether you self identify as a member of one or more groups:
- Indigenous,
- A differently abled person,
- A member of a racialized or visible minority
- Patient Partner.
This information will remain strictly confidential and only used by the Scientific Committee to facilitate equity, diversity and inclusion across our presenters, and at an aggregate level for the Congress final evaluation report.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
During the abstract submission process, you will be asked to disclose any conflicts of interest. If an author or immediate family member has had a substantial personal financial relationship relating to the support of the abstract within the past five years, this relationship must be described. Such relationships include salaries, ownerships, equity positions, stock options, royalties, consulting fees and honoraria for speaking, material support and other financial arrangements.
Authorizations and Permissions
To enhance international access to the Congress, many in-person (live) presentations may be simultaneously broadcast and/or recorded for viewing through a special conference portal up to 12 months after the end of the Congress. Unless authors explicitly withhold their consent in writing to the Congress Scientific Committee at the time of their abstract submission, submission of an abstract implies that all authors identified on the abstract provide their consent and authorization for the Congress Executive Committee and the non-profit corporate entity known as Toronto WNC 2023, to:
- Broadcast your presentation to registered Congress participants,
- Record your presentation,
- Make your presentation available for viewing to registered Congress participants through a dedicated Congress website, and,
- Set and collect a modest fee to recover the costs associated with the broadcast, recording, downloads and host portal.
In granting these consents and authorizations, the Executive Committee and Toronto WNC 2023 will ensure that the names, and affiliations of authors will be clearly acknowledged at the time of broadcast or as part of the download/on demand viewing; that the Congress Executive Committee and/or Toronto WNC 2023 will communicate to viewers that they have obtained the authors consent for broadcast, recording and downloading; that copyright for the content of the presentation broadcast and/or recording remains with the authors or those for whom rights have been transferred or assigned. It is also understood that authors will not be paid or receive any type of compensation, fee, royalty or commission in exchange for broadcasting, recording or enabling third parties to download their presentation for viewing. In the absence of such a request, the consents and authorizations shall expire at 11:59 pm on June 30, 2024.
Encore Presentations
Encore presentations (abstracts that have already been presented and/or published elsewhere) must be disclosed and will only be accepted as posters, will not be published in the Journal of Non-communicable Diseases or any other conference proceedings. It is the responsibility of the presenter to obtain permission from the copyright holder to present their work at the 3rd World NCD Congress in Toronto.
Awards and Student Travel Support
Poster Awards
Poster presentations will be judged by the Scientific Committee for the best poster in three categories:
- Full time student,
- Early career researcher or professional, and,
- Established researcher/professional.
Winners will be awarded a Certificate of Merit. Encore presentations are not eligible for the Poster Award. During the abstract submission process you will be asked if you wish for the presenting author of the abstract to be considered for one of the awards, if eligible.
If you have any questions regarding scientific content, contact Professor Paul McDonald, Chair of the Scientific Committee, by email at paulmcdo@yorku.ca.
If you have any questions regarding the abstract submission process, contact the Abstract Manager at billh@scolars.com.
Sign up for WNCD23’s e-Newsletter to receive updates about abstract submission.
Common Reasons Abstracts Are Not Accepted for Presentation
Outlined below are common reasons why abstracts are not accepted:
- Subject matter is not appropriate or sufficiently aligned with the Congress themes or objectives
- The material in the presentation is not novel or may not be of significant interest to Congress participants
- Abstract is duplicative of other submissions
- Background is insufficient to help reviewers understand your objectives or the nature of the issue being addressed
- The methods, design, perspectives or approaches are inadequate or insufficient to support your key conclusions, recommendations, or insights
- Summary of essential results, findings, recommendations and/or limitations is inadequate or absent
- Format does not follow guidelines or provide all the required information
- Submission is poorly written and difficult to understand